The East Lycoming School District values the help and contributions of our volunteers while recognizing a need to ensure the safety of security of our schools and campus. Parents, guardians, and other adults in the community are encouraged to review the information below to learn more about volunteer opportunities in the district and how to apply.
Please know that we value the help of our volunteers, but volunteering is a privilege, not a right. Even if a volunteer has obtained the required background clearances, the district retains the right to exercise discretion in permitting the individual to serve as a volunteer.
We look forward to hearing from you and welcome the opportunity to work with you.
Important Definitions
individual eighteen (18) years of age or older.
as part of the volunteer position, the individual has regular, ongoing, contact with children or the possibility of care, supervision or guidance. This is not to be interpreted as incidental contact as part of the school setting.
adult who provides a service without compensation, remuneration or other consideration for an educational, co-curricular or extracurricular program.
In this, volunteers fall into two (2) categories:
An adult who volunteers for a single event, a consecutive series of days, or several nonconsecutive days, in one or more positions during the school term. Total volunteer time is less than ten (10) hours per week.
An adult who meets any of the following 3 criteria:
(1) volunteers for more than ten (10) hours per week, or
(2) has direct contact with children (defined above), or
(3) any adult who accompanies students on field trips.
If an individual or the company employing the individual is receiving any payment for the services provided, they are not a volunteer and are not governed by this policy.
What are your clearance requirements?
All volunteers must read, sign and, submit for approval the Volunteer Responsibility Statement. This form is submitted to either the Building Principal for building activities, or the Athletic Director for athletic activities.
Volunteer “Positions” must submit appropriate PA State Police (Act 34) and Child Abuse (Act 151) clearances as described on the application form. In addition, an individual wishing to serve as a position volunteer who has not resided in the State of Pennsylvania during the ten (10) years previous to the start of volunteer work shall be required to apply for and supply a copy of the FBI Criminal Background Check (Act 114). If the volunteer has been a continuous resident of Pennsylvania for the past ten (10) years, s/he must swear or affirm in writing they are not disqualified from service based upon a conviction of an offense under PA Code 6344 (Request for Waiver 916-2)
Volunteer “Positions” must submit the results of a tuberculosis examination (i.e. Tine Test) at your expense.
Volunteer “Positions” must receive School Board approval prior to providing services.
Volunteer “Guests / Helpers” must receive approval from the building administrator prior to providing services. Clearances and TB tests are not required.
I Have Clearances, Are They Still Valid?
When first submitted, the clearances cannot be more than sixty (60) months old. After the first submission, clearances must be updated every sixty (60) months from the oldest date on the clearances.
What is your duty to notify the District?
If, after the date of the clearances, the volunteer is arrested or convicted of a Disqualifying Offense, or named as a perpetrator of a founded report of child abuse, the volunteer must provide written notice to the office of the district Superintendent within seventy-two (72) hours of the arrest or conviction. Anyone failing to disclose information required under this policy commits a misdemeanor of the third degree and will be reported to law enforcement.
If the district has a reasonable belief that a volunteer has been arrested or convicted of a Disqualifying Offense or was named a perpetrator in a founded report of child abuse or the volunteer has given notice of an arrest or conviction of a Disqualifying Offense, the district, at its expense, shall immediately require he volunteer to submit updated clearances.
Important Documents and Links for Volunteers
Frequently Asked Questions
Answer: No You are considered a guest/helper. You sign the log book, sign and return the Volunteer Responsibility Form and receive a visitor pass to wear for the day.
Answer: Volunteer Position Application, Volunteer Responsibility Form, State Police (Act 34), Child Abuse (Act 151), Fingerprint Waiver Form (if you have lived in the state 10 or more years).
Answer: If you are chaperoning an overnight tripor you have not lived in the state 10 or more years.
Answer: Yes If you have clearances from other positions,forward a copy of them along with the application and other documents required for review.
Answer: Yes A TB test at your own expense must be provided. The test can be dated within 1 year of your volunteer application. This includes all volunteer coaches.
Answer: No
Answer: 5 years from the earliest date of your clearances
Answer: No You sign the visitor log book and receive a visitor pass to wear for the day
Answer: See the FBI (Act 114) instructions on our website, use Volunteer Service Code (1KH6Y3) to set up your appointment. Submit your UEID# with your Volunteer Position Paperwork.
Volunteer Coaches: Complete all the paperwork and return it to the Athletic Director.
Act 114 (FBI Fingerprint): SERVICE CODE: 1KG6ZJ If you are required to complete this process and have questions, please contact the ELSD District Office at 570-584-2131 or email: Gail Warren –gwarren@elsd.org
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your school or the District Office.
If you do become a volunteer, keep this in mind:
No volunteer shall be permitted to access, review, disclose or use confidential student information (written or verbal); or participate in conversations in which confidential student information is discussed. Examples of such information include, but are not limited to, the following: grades or other measures of academic performance; class standing; standardized or other test scores; attendance records; disciplinary history; intelligence test scores; personality and interest test scores; individualized education plans; health data; family background information; teacher or counselor ratings and observations; and any other verified or unverified information contained in a student’s file maintained by the teachers, administrators or schools within the school district.
Each volunteer shall keep strictly confidential all information s/he may learn about students in the school district during the course of performing services.
The role of a volunteer is to assist, but not replace or assume the responsibilities or authority of the district staff.
All volunteers providing service during the time that school is in session will be required to sign in at the appropriate building with a statement of their volunteer purpose and wear and display an identification tag/badge at all times and return the tag/badge to the office at the end of the volunteer period.
Under no circumstances, shall a volunteer be considered an employee or an independent contractor of the district. A volunteer shall receive no wages or other valuable consideration for the performance of his/her volunteer services.
Except as specifically authorized by the superintendent, on a case-by-case basis, volunteers shall not be permitted to operate any motor vehicles owned or leased by the school district. Volunteers shall not transport students, other than their own children, to or from any school event, without approval from the building administrator.
The building administrator or designee shall assume general authority and responsibility over all volunteers serving at that site. The Athletic Director will assume general authority and responsibility over all athletic volunteers.
Volunteers will not be permitted to directly administer student discipline.
Volunteer activities will be provided only as requested by the teacher or supervisor.